Fast-Pass Your Healthy Incentive Credit
What to Know
The DuPont Healthy Living Program offers you three easy fast-pass options. By completing your annual physical exam, annual well woman exam, or biometric screening by the September 30 deadline, you’ll receive the full Healthy Incentive Credit (HIC), which will reduce your DuPont Medical Plan premiums by $480 in 2026!
DuPont Healthy Living Program Overview
DuPont offers a free program — known as the Healthy Living Program through Personify Health (formerly Virgin Pulse) — to help you put your well-being first. With the Healthy Living Program, you can complete certain wellness activities each quarter in exchange for points. Points can be used to reduce your DuPont Medical Plan premiums by up to $480 annually. As a bonus for staying healthy through the program, you can also earn Pulse Cash, which can be redeemed through the Personify Health online store and used to purchase gift cards and other merchandise.
Here’s the best part: There are three activities that give you all your points at once. These are “fast-pass” activities and they are the easiest way to save on your premiums in 2026.
How You Can Fast-Pass Your Healthy Incentive Credit for 2026
Earn all your points at once through fast-pass. The fast-pass option is only available by completing your annual physical exam, annual well woman exam, or a biometric screening by the September 30 deadline. Choose one of the three options below for more information on how to earn your fast-pass points.
Not Able to Fast-Pass the Process?
Not to worry. You can also earn points quarterly through the program. For more information on eligible activities, visit the Healthy Habits page.
Fast-Passing Your Annual Physical or Well Woman Exam
Follow these steps to fast-pass your annual physical or well woman exam:
- Schedule your annual physical or well woman exam with your provider and complete your visit by September 30, 2025.
- After your visit, our medical plan provider, Aetna, will receive confirmation and inform Personify Health that you have completed your exam. Within 60 days, Personify Health will credit you for completion of the fast-pass option.
- In 2026 the Healthy Incentive Credit will automatically be applied to your DuPont Medical Plan premiums.
That’s it! No forms to complete or websites to log on to. Simply make your annual physical exam appointment and we’ll do all the work behind the scenes.
Example of How It Works
Employee contacts their physician’s office to schedule their annual physical or well woman exam for September 1, 2025. When scheduling their appointment, the employee emphasizes that it’s for a preventive visit.
Employee arrives at their annual physical or well woman exam. They remind the front desk that this visit is for an annual physical or well woman exam and should be coded as such so that they can get the proper HIC from their employer.
Aetna receives the claim from the employee’s physician office, which has a wellness code assigned to it. Aetna alerts Personify Health that the employee has completed their annual physical exam.
Personify Health receives notification from Aetna that the employee has completed their annual physical or well woman exam. Shortly after, Personify Health updates the employee’s portal to reflect the completed HIC.
Important Reminders
- Annual physical or well woman exams are covered once each calendar year. This means that even if you received an annual physical or well woman exam late in 2024, you can still schedule an exam before September 30, 2025.
- Inform your physician’s office that the appointment is for your annual physical or well woman exam. This ensures that it’s coded correctly by your provider, and, that Aetna knows the type of visit and can properly credit you for completing the HIC.
- Make the most out of your visit. Talk to your physician about symptoms you may have or the history of family conditions you may be worried about. To help start the conversation, consider asking your physician a few of these questions.
Preventive vs. Diagnostic Care: Know the Difference!
How treatment of care is defined and coded by your physician can affect the costs you’re responsible for. For this reason, it’s important to know the difference between preventive and diagnostic care.
- Annual physical and well woman exams are preventive care. This means you pay nothing for any services received.
- Diagnostic services are meant to treat or diagnose a suspected condition and aren’t considered preventive care. This means a portion of your appointment may be subject to out-of-pocket costs you’ll be responsible for paying. If your doctor completes a diagnostic service during your annual wellness exam, that service will not be coded as preventive care.
Fast-Passing Your Biometric Screening
Follow these steps to fast-pass your biometric screening:
- Log on to the Personify Health website and download the validated physician’s form or LabCorp voucher.
- Schedule your biometric screening with your provider beginning January 1, 2025. Complete the visit by September 30, 2025.
- After your visit, upload your completed form to the Personify Health website.
- Within two weeks, Personify Health will credit you for completion of the fast-pass option.
- In 2026, the Healthy Incentive Credit will automatically be applied to your DuPont Medical Plan premiums.
Additional Resources
Starting a Conversation with Your Physician
Preventive vs. Diagnostic Care