Breast Milk Shipping

What to Know

Traveling for business and not sure how to navigate breastfeeding? DuPont provides you with a no-cost breast milk shipping benefit through Milk Stork.

How It Works

If you’re a mother who is traveling on DuPont business while breastfeeding, the company provides you a no cost breast milk shipping benefit through Milk Stork. Here’s how Milk Stork works.

  1. Plan your business trip.
  2. Order your Milk Stork kit. Start your order by visiting Milk Stork’s website or calling 1-510-356-0221. In your order, you’ll have to include the address of your business trip hotel for shipping purposes.
  3. The Milk Stork kit will be waiting at your hotel when you arrive. It has everything you need to store and ship your breast milk back home, including a shipping label, pharmaceutical-grade cooler, and storage bags.
  4. Pump throughout your trip. You can keep your milk in the pharmaceutical-grade cooler and storage bags provided to you.
  5. Ship your milk home, as needed. Use your shipping label to send your milk back home via FedEx Priority Overnight, or simply bring it home with you.

How to Get Started

To get started, visit DuPont’s dedicated Milk Stork website and follow the steps to create an account with your DuPont email address. Once your account is created, you can begin to order your Milk Stork kits, as needed.

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